Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Friday, February 11, 2005


So my friend Steve says, "have you seen Travis Smiley's blog?" I said, "No, I haven't." He said, "You ought to." I asked, "Where is it?" Thus begins blogation. I've had these conversations more than once, and I perceive them as a new evolution of social communications. Steve: Go to Mike Cope's blog, and click on Jon Owen's blog. Me: Jon Owen isn't linked on Mike Cope's blog, but he is linked on John Alan Turner's blog. Steve: Ok, go there. Me: Ok, got John Alan, now... Jon Owen ... what next? Steve: Look for Adam Ellis, click there. He's the guy we got the 'Baby Got Book' link from. Me: Oh yeah...that was so funny...where to now? Steve: Click on Jan Ellis, Adam's sister's blog. Me: Got it ... hey...there it is... Jan has a link to Travis Stanley....hmm... he closed his blog for lent? Steve: There's lots of links to some cool blogs. on Travis Stanley's blog. Me: Cool, I'll bookmark it. That, my friends, is blogation. I believe we'll have to get used to it. Right now it's fun. One day we will whine about it because of the annoying bouncing from blog to blog, but at this point it's an adventure. Thanks, Steve!