Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Headed For the Museum?

Follow me on this. Fellow Blogger Chris "Fajita" Gonzalez has a blog called HOME FRONT. I bumped into a comment he left on WADE HODGES' BLOG. I think he says something really important here, and invite your thoughts on the matter (pro or con). This is re-published with Chris' permission (thanks!). john If our tribe is going to have a snowball's chance, then we are not merely going to have to make linguistic changes, which frankly will be intolerable for many, but we are going to have to flat get unchurched. Our disease is that we are so churched up that we cannot see dead people. Heck, we can't even see ourselves. We have no idea whatsoever how embedded we are into our church culture. For our tribe to think, even for a minute, that we are going to be able to continue to elevate trivial and nonsense "issues" like instrumental music and communion correctness and be relevant to people who would love Jesus if they ever saw Him, we are out of our minds. Practically everything that distinguishes a Church of Christ from any other church denominations is a back burner issue compared to what Jesus did and hoped that we would do. Furthermore, what makes us the same as any other church tribe is even more disturbing than what makes us different. We are unified (whether we like it or not) with conservative evangelicals with a severe, chronic, and probably fatal case of churchitis. Without acting now and relatively decisively to change our direction, approach to scripture and people, if we do not expand our hermeneutics as it relates to interpreting the Scripture and interpreting people, we are doomed. They'll put us in the church museum with the Amish.