Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Georgia On My Mind

I think tonight's message at Gateway went fine. I didn't have any notes, just shared what was on my heart. I cried all the way through it, but that's ok. The people were very supportive and affirmed that they were praying for us. Maggy and I had a safe trip over and back. We stopped and had a nutritionally void but delicious meal at Steak-N-Shake in Mobile on the way home. Right after the storm we had an offer to move to Georgia and start life anew. A generous Christian owned a cabin that we could use for any length of time we needed. (Actually, we had two similar offers, and were grateful for both of them.) After looking at my house, I guarantee you that was tempting. We talked about it, but our real place was here among friends and family. This week, Maggy and I will travel to Georgia and stay in that cabin for the week. We are looking forward to a week of rest, reading, relaxing, and recharging our batteries. The kids are taken care of here, and we will only have each other to keep company. I'm taking along Ortberg's "God is Closer Than You Think" and Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis". I have grand plans to read both, but I know I'll never do it. My mind races while I read ... and therefore I read fairly slowly. And now for something weird. Maggy and I both hate to leave. We feel torn about making the trip. It feels odd to go off and leave a house that isn't finished and take a trip at a time when the kids can't come. I feel like I could be helping with something here (although I wasn't much help last week). But we will come back and things will be as chaotic as ever. On the other side of this trip I'll probalby kick myself for having these feelings today! I feel fairly assured that I will have no internet service while I'm on my trip. But if I do, you'll hear from me! Pray for our safe journey. For any Coastal readers, you have until January 11th to file any forms with FEMA.