Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Sunday, August 01, 2004


The reality of August on the Gulf Coast is that summer isn't nearly over, and hurricane season is just now coming into its own. Just a few days ago I commented on how this has been a really calm storm season ... and now Tropical Storm Alex is headed toward the East Coast and there's a tropical depression in the Gulf. The heat of the past few days reminds us that Summer is still in full swing. In my mind, though, August moves us closer to my favorite season - Fall. I love the cool days, the falling leaves, the holidays. Maybe it's because August looks a bit like Autumn ... I don't know. Our hope is one that is both presently realistic, and futuristically expectant. In the heat of temptation, doubt, and selfishness we need to seek shelter in the strong tower of the Lord. At the same time, the cool winds of promise are just over the horizon...a new season is coming that will bring true refreshment for the heart.