Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Friday, October 15, 2004


To me there is a cyclical nature to Christianity. We begin with the discovery that we are sinners, lost to our Father, in the clutches of our Enemy. Then the sweetness of the good news comes to our ears and we willingly give our hearts to Jesus. The world calls to us, and we fall away from the path we have chosen. Determined, we return to the awaiting Father. And so we go ... doing well ... and then falling off or our perch ... and hopefully someone will be there to catch us when we fall. We are a kingdom of Catchers. Our brother's business is our business. When our brothers or sisters wander from the path, we are to catch them and help set them back in place. When discouragement causes us to tumble, we are embraced by the strong and given encouragement. We can only do this work of Catching if we are observant and pay attention to one another. We can only be good Catchers if we are pro-active and move quickly to the side of the one who is teetering on the edge. I think it's hard to be a Catcher, because so many people never develop a link to other Christians. They fall and no one notices. They tumble into disaster, and no one is there with a rope to rescue them. A true Catcher looks for people to catch. But it's hard work ... and it can be discouraging work when some just do not want to be caught. And sometimes we get weary of being the Catchers and we fail to be aware. I was blessed this past week when I found myself depending on a couple of Catchers. They were there when I felt weak and when I struggled with my own pride. Their gentle words of support and interest steadied me on my way. The greatest Catcher of all time was, of course, Jesus Christ. I love the way he caught Peter on the beach post-resurrection. "Do you love me?" "Lord, you know I do." Great Catch! We are both caught, and catchers....A kingdom of Caught Catchers. (Can you say that five times fast?). Nearby ... right now ... someone is close to falling over ... will we try to catch them? Or will we be a little too late, being distracted by our favorite subject...ourselves? If you're lost you can look and you will find me time after time If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting time after time --Cyndi Lauper