Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Monday, August 30, 2004


While at the Football Game I observed the crowd. I noticed several categories of people who attended the game. Socializers were there to see who else was there. They wandered up and down the bleachers, greeting everyone, sitting with friends for a few mintues before moving on to other friends. I think they were vaguely aware that there was a game in progress. Patriots were there to carry on fan traditions. They were the ones with the graying hair, growing middle, and groaning muscles. But they were unstoppable. They knew the cheers. They knew what to do when the band played the fight song. They had memorized the roster and prognosticated as to the outcome the season. No matter how the team does, they will be there cheering in the stands because this where they belong; it is their alma mater. They didn't miss a second of the game. They stood ready to offer their wise counsel as to what could be done better on the field. Enthusiasts were there. All you really have to say is 'football'. They can hear it 60 feet away in a noisy room with their hearing aids turned off! They watched the game with joy, hanging on every hut-hut and thrown flag. They relish every second of play, and regret when it is over. The Others were there. And there were a variety of reasons for their presence. They were people like me who came to see someone play in the band at half time. Maybe they were dragged along by a family member. Perhaps they were just bored and looking for something to do. There's no way to know why they were there, but there they were. We are familiar with these cagetories because we see them everywhere. They are at church, at our workplace, even in our homes. We've filled their shoes in various circumstances and locations. Depending on why we are filling those roles, we have different expectations and hopes. So we need to be careful about being too harsh with The Others when we think they ought to be the Patriots. Caution should be the word of the day for Enthusiasts as they engage the Socializers. Because no matter who you are while you are there, you are there ... and there's something to be gained by being present. Something happens in the heart when everyone is assembled together in the same place. Sometimes it's all I can do to just be The Others ... and know that the Patriots and the Enthusiasts will carry the ball. The Socializers will inquire about my heart, and all will be well. There is one group I didn't mention. The Nobodys. And that's because at the ball game, there's no such thing as a Nobody. They are mythical...no one has ever seen them. Everybody is there for a reason so let's be sure we never treat anybody as a Nobody.