Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Monday, August 09, 2004

A Place for Emptiness

This came today from Landon Saunders, and I liked it. A Place for Emptiness Dear Soul, A lot of times I feel empty inside. Dear Life, That's good, because if there were no empty places inside, there would be no place for what's coming next in your life. Consider the story of the lifesaver. The lifesaver hung on the side of the ship, forever feeling incomplete. And as the years passed, the sense of inner-emptiness increased; the life-saver was often in despair. Then one morning there was a shout-"Man overboard!" And the lifesaver was flying off the side of the ship, landing on a wave, into the hands of a little girl who clutched the lifesaver to her and got inside the ring, so happy to be saved. Now all those years of emptiness made sense. If there had been no emptiness, there would have been no place for the child. Today, I won't overfill my day. I'll leave some blank spaces for new life, new answers, new possibilities. --Landon