Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Day Six and Hanging On

And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth. -- Genesis 7:10 I know that the BIG story in Genesis 6-7 is God's destruction of the earth via a global flood. Just as BIG a story is God's saving righteous Noah and his family. Also a part of the BIG story is the construction of the ark and the entrance of all the animals (were there mosquitoes on the ark?). Even so, what caught my attention when my friend Les was giving a talk about Genesis 7 was verse 10. Les didn't even remember saying it ... but think about it ... Noah was on the ark for seven days before the floodwaters came. Let's sit down by Noah for a few minutes... DAY ONE Man, I am glad to have this ark built...it nearly kilt me, Lord! And these animals...without your help I'd have never gotten them on here. Ham...stop swatting at that mosquito. We only have two. DAY TWO Ok, today we're going to get these animals organized...got to keep the carnivores away from the macrobiotic animals (Steve, you are smiling, aren't you!) ... how did this ark get to be such a mess in just two days? Ham...no...you cannot tie the foxes tails together ... Samson will do that later. (sorry, I read ahead) DAY THREE Noah walks around humming "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" and looking up. Ham...I don't know what we would call a roast pig... we cannot eat him anyway. DAY FOUR Noah peers over the side of the ark and looks at the crowd gathered down below. They actually made signs. Does that one say "Bon Voyage" or "Boy, You're The Village Idiot". Ham ... please... I beg you ... stop teaching the chimpanzees to toss their dookie. DAY FIVE Lord, did I make a mistake? Did you mean for me to do something else? Was all of this just so I would learn a lesson? If I ever get off of this boat, I'm going to get a stiff drink. Ham ... would you find Shem and Japheth and get a game of monopoly going? Anything...just ... nevermind. DAY SIX Honey, do you think we ought to get off? The animals are restless, and they stink. The people have written graffiti on the side of the boat. They stand around and gawk and throw rocks up on deck all day long. I bet God is laughing at us. Let's just get off the boat ... ok? No? Wait one more day? Why? We're not supposed to know about Naaman dipping seven times in Jordan yet! DAY SEVEN I don't believe it. Would you look at that water coming from the sky? Amazing! And so much of it. The people with the signs are gone now. The boat is starting to tilt and sway back and forth. I hope the thing actually floats. Ham...get up here...get a look at this. My God. What day do you tend to live in? I think sometimes I spend too much time on day six ... maybe I missed the boat somewhere. But I've been there when the boat rocked and it became obvious that God's way was right. God, please help me keep my focus on the seventh day ... the time when your will comes to pass ... and may my heart be ready.