Keeping people at a distance is for some an act of deception, and for some an act of survival. It sounds a bit incongruous for a Christian to talk about purposefully keeping people at a distance. The Kingdom is all about relationships ... something that has been neglected in favor of correctness. It's good to be right, but people can be saved without being right. If they are saved without relationships, they wonder what's so great about being saved.
Not that I think I'm all that unique, but I think I'm a bit like a starfish. Keeping arms out in all directions. What a conflict! The arms hope to touch the lives of those around with God's good news, but those same arms serve to keep others at a respectable distance. I have learned that one must practice great caution when allowing anyone past the ends of my arms. They get awfully close to my heart.
I doubt that any of us were born to be starfish. We are so dependent as children, totally trusting in the grace and love of another. Over time, some of us get tossed around by the riptides. Sometimes being tossed against the coral leaves permanent scarring.
A few years ago I was tossed against the coral in a riptide that caught me by surprise. It was a truly damaging event. Like others before me, I learned to be cautious in exercising trust. If I could be so easily and willingly caught by surprise, then can I really let anyone enter in closer than arm's length?
Still, I'm not claiming to be alone. There is One who can be trusted ... He who is above all, and who knows me so intimately. I don't know why He would want me - He knows all my secrets! But I believe He does love me. And that makes me hopeful.
There is a certain amount of fakery in keeping one's distance. In trying not to appear aloof or untouchable, Starfish like me smile our best smiles, no matter what's going on inside. We tell ourselves that this is not so's better than walking around all morose and withdrawn. Who wants to live that kind of life? So what do the starfish do?
We remain at a distance for the most part. Occasionally, even rarely, we allow someone in a little closer. The world is often cold and I would guess that there are many starfish carefully making their way along the journey. The challenge for a starfish is to let go and roll with the current of God's Spirit. This may be the most difficult thing for a starfish to do.
Thank you for wanting to move in closer. Be patient. The time may come.
She's asked me to dance, Now her hand's in mine
Oh, my God, I've forgotten her name
But I'm gonna smile my best smile
And I'm gonna laugh like it's going out of style
Look into her eyes and pray that she don't see
That learning to live again is killing me
-- Learning To Live Again, Garth Brooks
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