Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Missing Information

I don't know why I subscribe to our local newspaper. I get most of my news info from the internet and from Fox News Channel. There is one column that I always read when I do read the newspaper. The obituaries. And when I read the obituaries, I always look for one piece of information: church membership. I know that church membership is not the guarantee of salvation, but I always notice when there is no religious information. It may not always be true, but I always think that this person passed away not knowing the glorious grace of Jesus Christ. In the scope of things, I may not agree with the various doctrines taught by various churches ... but I would rather that someone had heard something about Jesus and His love for us from someone ... than to die without that knowledge. I'm not in the business of deciding anyone's eternal fate. God has that covered very thoroughly, thank you. But I do know that Jesus is the only way to the Father. And to not have access to the Father, is to be lost. It might do us good to read the obituary column every day. Therein is found a very substantial reminder of our own predictable end to this part of our journey. In addition, there is a reminder that of all of life's priorities, none is more precious and needful than to draw near to the Father. His will be the comforting hand that saves us and reaches for the grieving left behind. Only God knows the real story of our hearts. Let's live in such a way that there is no missing information when he reads our story.