Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Christian Affirmation?

On page 15 of THE CHRISTIAN CHRONICLE is a one-page article called A CHRISTIAN AFFIRMATION. It can also be read HERE. I was taught that we were the creedless people, 'no creed but Christ'. And this is, simply, a creedal statement. I was also surprised by some of the names associated with this creedal statement. It's hard to know the motive behind something like this. Clearly, there is division astir within churches of Christ (what's new?) ... but shall we overcome that by banding together with a slicker, more contemporarily worded, shortened "Why I Am A Member of the Church of Christ"? With all due respect to the departed brother Brownlow, I question that unity can ever been brought about through commitment to a laundry list of doctrines. It looks to me like some guys (I see no women have signed the list) got together and said, "The church is going to hell in a handbasket...let's fix it." And their attempt to fix things is to present a creed that we can all agree upon. Some will cheer, some will snooze, some will be upset. In all, unless our unity is in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we have no unity. This is a 'Christian Affirmation' as far as I can tell. But what is it for? A warning? A call back to restoration (by subscribing to tradition!!!)? A formation of a new denomination? A line in the sand? I don't know. What do you think? Do you care?