Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Monday, July 03, 2006


Just a note to let you know that Maggy is feeling much better. We are now home. On our way we decided to stop in Mobile and eat at Cracker Barrel. While there, my old friend Garrett Irby called and left a message saying he was in Mobile and would like to come see us. So, I called him up and he came and ate with us. Then we all decided to go see a movie. The movie I WANT to see wasn't even playing, but X Men III was, and it was an awesome flick! That is my kind of movie. As I arrived home, the crepe myrtle in front of the house has blazing white flowers. The hibiscus, rose, and other assorted plants are dead. A forgotten detail I should have tended to. It's been so dry here, as throughout the South. Yesterday was my friend Chris Lockhart's first day at Calvary Christian Church near Atlanta. I will miss my dear friend so much, but I know we'll be in touch. I wish him well as he presents the Gospel of Christ in a different context. His first Sunday went well, by the way. Below: John Robert, Maggy, Lynda and Robert Lingle at Fourth Avenue Sunday Morning.

Below: Garrett Irby and John Dobbs