Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

What's On Your Shirt?

I was reading some posts about this t-shirt at the Emerging Minister blog that had me thinking about wearing a shirt with our sins spelled out on them. It reminds me of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter ... and the adulteress who was identified by the letter on her attire. If your shirt had your sins automatically written on them, what would they say? I cussed out someone today. I had a lustful thought today. I visited a porn site today. I lost my temper today. I lied to cover up a mistake today. I gossiped about a co-worker today. I got drunk last night. I continued to hate an enemy today. I was greedy today. How many people would be proud to wear their sins? I think some would be ok with it, in a rebellious and proud sort of way. Of course their shirts would say "I was rebellious and proud today" and we'd know it! I think most people, though, want to cover up their sins ... run away from them ... hide from them ... escape the consequences of them. They struggle with forgiving themselves because they do not know a God who forgives sinners. To turn the tables a bit, though... Christians have been known to wear t-shirts with Christian messages for a long time. What if your t-shirt expressed the truth about your faith? I doubted God's existence today. God doesn't love me today. I do not have a clue what God wants from me today. I'm tired of trying today. I don't want to forgive the person who hurt me. I just can't serve anyone else today. Walk in the light ... and the only shirt you'll ever need has only one word: FORGIVEN.