Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Monday, March 07, 2005

Just A Step Up

It's just a step up, but I dread it. It's been on my mind all morning. All I have to do is remove my shoes and step up ... on the scale. And it is at that moment that woman will look at the results of my eating patterns for the past two weeks. Not only that, she will verbalize something. It could be, "you lost...". More likely this week she will say, "you gained." Even worse, she will then write it down on that little card. It will remain there, a stinging testimony to my battle against my will, until I step again the next time. To add insult to injury, I will then pay this woman almost 11 dollars to do this to me. So I decided to write this post before I weigh in. That way I do not have to confess my gain (or loss) because I remain ignorant about it. Oh I know in my heart what it's going to be. But I can truthfully say that I do not know for sure. Some days I feel thinner, and some days I feel fatter. Today happens to be a fat day. There are dozens of analogies between what happens at Weight Watchers and what happens down at church. They are obvious and I won't try to list them here. But I do know that God calls me to step up each day. He wants me to be aware of my sin. Missing those meetings doesn't make my sin go away. He wants me to know that he has taken note of my sin. One thing about my Abba, though, that is different from the Weight Watchers scale lady. When I have stepped up and admitted my fault, my father writes it down ... but then he takes some white-out and marks out the offensive record. He sends me out free and clear. Unfortunately the Weight Watcher lady is not quite so grace-ful. She sends me out with a recognition that until I get things in order that record stays where it is. Thank you, Father, for pointing out my weaknesses and faults - so I can let you work in my heart to make me better. And thank you for erasing those faults so that I do not carry the burden any longer. And thank you that Jesus carried that burden with him to the cross. I have no recourse but to trust Him. And I thank you for that as well.