Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Sunday, December 12, 2004

What's Happening in Blog-Land

Here's a rundown of what's happening out there...in case you have missed something great! MIKE COPE has a great post from Thursday (scroll down a bit) on mistakes made in the pulpit. Read the comments...there's some howlers in there! JOHN ALAN TURNER wonders why we were programmed by guilt to do evangelism as teens, but now no one is talking evangelism with our young people. BRANDON SCOTT THOMAS tackles his Fear Factor. GREG expresses himself on the band Nickelback. JASON reflects on the cross. LINDSAY gets some unexpected help. JAKE reflects on the musical ability of the Beasties. GREG TAYLOR provokes us on ethics. MASON McCLAIN'S mystery deepens as the new pastor discovers the old pastor's journal, and a killer's confession at True Hope. Enjoy!