Out Here Hope Remains

There is hope for the helpless ... Cry Out To Jesus. -- Third Day

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Ladies and Gentlemen, we will now have a brief intermission that will last approximately five days. This is a great time to get up and get some popcorn, grab a coke, visit the restroom (not necessarily in that order), and chat a bit with some friends. I am heading up to Tulsa, Oklahoma for the International Soul Winning Workshop tomorrow. Lord willing we will spend five days in joyful fellowship, Bible study, and wondrous worship of our Abba. Pray for our safe journey. Now since I know that many of you check this blog every day (there must be hundreds of you!) ... and I would not want to leave you without something ... here is what I would love to happen! Whoever visits this site...and every time you visit ... leave a comment. That way, whoever comes behind you will have something new to read rather than this corny post. What do you say? And it goes without saying that I will enjoy reading the comments when I return! (If perchance I can get on while I'm at workshop, I may check in on your progress!) So how about it! The intermission will be over before we know it ... and the show will start again. So if you were in the lobby with all of your blogger friends, what would you tell them today?