We're excellent at hiding. Truly, I almost hate to bring up. Have you observed this unspoken thing we do? I see it all the time.
The one who works so hard to make sure that I like him and approve of his actions. The one who dresses impeccably, paying close attention to every detail, as if something that wasn't quite right would expose a hidden fault. The one is such a slob, hoping that no one will notice him. Why do you think that he has such long hair, or that he has shaved his head? Why does she pierce so many places on her body, and why is he covered in tattoos? Isn't his laughter a little forced ... it wasn't that funny. Do you think her story was a bit of a stretch...but why would she lie? Are we hiding behind our weight? Our age? Our education?
Maybe a lot of us are like Linus, carrying around our security blanket. Unlike Linus, though, we pretend we aren't carrying our security blanket around ... even though it is obvious. Security blankets can be spiritual in nature, emotional, or even physical.
Jesus often snatched the security blanket away from people he was relating to ... because they didn't need it with Him. The poor woman at the well was startled as he snatched her blanket away and exposed her pathetic love life. The Pharisees were tired of him robbing them of their security. The disciples' poorly concealed power plays were brought to light by a simple word or even a glance. His acceptance of them in their failures and weaknesses is amazing.
When we are alone with Jesus, we can put our security blankets away. He is the only One around whom I no longer need to defend myself. He knows the real me ... the blanketless me ... the one who comes out of hiding in order to be refreshed and loved and accepted by His tenderness. That is true peace of mind and heart. I do not have to be funny, or look good, or dress up, or dress down for Jesus to know the true person that lives within. The One who knows us best, loves us anyway. With Him we can lay down our blankets and pick up a robe and walk with Him through the quiet hours of prayer.
What did you say? No quiet hours of prayer? Is that a signal that we are hiding...even from Him?